Hot Dice Rules
IMPORTANT NOTE TO PLAYERS: As with other net game shows, you arenot playing for real money and/or prizes. This is for entertainmentpurposes only.
OBJECT: Accumulate cyber-money by correctly answering questions and rolling a virtual pair of dice.
QUALIFYING: When we search for at least one player in the main game, weplay a qualifying question with a numerical answer (such as 'How muchmoney in cash and prizes was given away on Drew Carey's first aired episode ashost of The Price is Right?)will be postedto the Net Games Yahoo! Groupsmailing list and the Hot Dice website( If a visitor to thesite/subscriberto the mailing list wishes to participate in the game, (s)he muste-mail toanswer the question with a number. The player(s) closest to thecorrect answer earn his/her/their way into the main game. Any tie for distance is broken by who e-mailed the host first.
- To play hot dice, learn how many points each combination of scores are worth, and roll six standard dice per turn. Learn the rules of hot dice with tips from.
- The 1 dice = 100 points The 5 dice = 50 points Three of a kind, thrown at one time count as follows: 2’s = 200 3’s = 300 4’s = 400 5’s = 500 6’s = 600 1’s = 1000, and that’s a HOT roll! 1,2,3,4,5 all at once = 1500 for The Big One. ( You can usually keep rolling with the “and rolling” rules to rack up even bigger points!).
- Be Smart, Play Smart® Must be 18 or older to play.If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, crisis counseling and referral services can be accessed by calling 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537) or texting “ILGamb” to 53342.
- 53ER18-53 HOT DICE. (1) Name of Game. “HOT DICE.” (2) Price. HOT DICE lottery tickets sell for $1.00 per play. (3) Game Description. HOT DICE is a Fast Play ™ instant-win game (also known as an online terminal game) printed from an authorized Florida Lottery retailer terminal at the time of purchase. Players may play the game.
Each player starts his/her/its turn by rolling all six dice. From this roll, any/all of the scoring possibilities may be 'held', and the remainder rolled again. If all six of the dice become 'held'.
MAIN GAME: A game consists of six rounds, each starting with a toss-up question, followed by a catch-up round.
Whena round starts, the players are e-mailed a multiple choice question. With each question, there's a secret buzz-in number from 1-100,provided by The players will e-mail the host with theiranswers to each question as well as their guesses to the actual buzz-innumber for each question.
Only the player who comes closer tothe actual buzz-in number will have his/her answer recognized. Ifthat answer is correct, (s)he wins the question and earns a free rollof the dice. If the player's answer is incorrect, the questionand the free roll of the dice are automatically awarded to the opponent.
Theplayer's buzz-in number also becomes the starting point for a list of100 virtual dice rolls, also provided by When aplayer wins the question, the result of this free roll of the dice isrevealed. After the free roll, a pot is seeded with CY$100mulitplied by the total number of the dice.
After the free roll,the player may roll again (and see the result of the next roll down thelist) or end the round by collecting all the cyber-money in the pot. Outside of the free roll, the player will bust if the dice rolltotals 7, resulting in a loss of all the cyber-money in the pot and noscore for the round.
Any roll of doubles outside of the free roll activates the double decision board. On the double decision board...
...the player has a choice of having CY$100 per pointadded to the pot -- or taking whatever is behind the correspondingdouble on the board. The double decision board hides the following elements...
- Different amounts of cyber-money (as much as CY$3000; as little as CY$50; any of these amounts will be added to the pot)
- 'Double pot', which multiplies the contents of the pot by two
- As many as five 'free rolls', each of which will add CY$100 per point even if it's a 7 or another double
- 'Loseloss', which is onlyavailable if each competitor has a loss against him/her; uncovering'lose loss' will take away the loss against him/her -- but cannotrecover any victories that were wiped out
- At leastone 'bust', which acts as if a 7 is rolled outside of a free roll.
A roundends when a player banks cyber-money or busts. When a new roundstarts, there will be a new list of 100 dice rolls.
EXAMPLE OF GAMEPLAY: If a player buzzed in with a correct answer and the number 24, the 24th roll in the list might result in...
...a 2 and a 4, which add up to 6. Multipliedby CY$100, the pot is seeded with CY600. If the player wishes toroll again and the dice come up...
...6 and 3 for a roll of 9, CY$900 is added to the pot for a total of CY$1500. If the player rolls again...
...androlls a double 1, the player may have CY$200 added to the pot or takewhatever is behind the double 1 space on the double decision board. If the player declines the CY$200 addition, the double 1 isrevealed.
Staying on this example, the double 1 space on thedouble decision board hides CY$3000. After CY$3000 is added tothe pot, the board's elements are shuffled.
By now, the pot is up to CY$4500 and the player decides to roll again. This time...
...the dice total 7. The CY$4500 goes away, the round ends in a bust and the player does not score.
CATCH-UP ROUND: After six rounds, the catch-up rounds begins. There are no questions in the catch-up round.
Theplayer in second place rolls first (by picking a number from 1-100). This time, the value of the roll in hundreds of cyber-dollars isimmediately banked into theplayer's score. However, if a player rolls a 7, that counts as abust; theplayer will not lose any cyber-money -- but the player will not gainanything either. If the player rolls a double, (s)he may bankthe dice total in hundreds of cyber-dollars or take whatever is behindthe corresponding double on the double decision board (in the event thedice total in hundreds of cyber-dollars would result in a trailingplayer still trailing, (s)he automatically defaults to the doubledecision board and must take whatever is behind the correspondingspace).
If thetrailing player has not equaled or surpassed the opponent's score, theleader automatically wins the game. However, if the trailingplayer managed to catch up with one roll of the dice, the opponent thengets one roll of the dice to regain the lead.
Tohelp ensureit's always possible to catch up, the double decision board will beshuffled at the start of the round. At least one of the higheramounts onthe double decision board offers the chance to roll again for morecyber-money. Also, 'double pot' will be replaced with 'doubleyour score', automatically doubling everything in the player's bank. Further, one space on the board allows the trailing player to tiethe score, meaning we put enough cyber-money in his/her bank to equalthe opponent's bank.
WINS AND LOSSES: Oncea main game is complete, the player who finishes in the lead iscredited with a win. The second player player will be creditedwith a loss. Anytime a player loses a game, any wins creditedwill be erased. If a player wins at least one game, (s)he willplay the bonus bonanza for a possible CY$50,000 payoff. If aplayer wins four consecutive games, (s)he will play the mega roll for apossible CY$1,000,000.
Ifa player loses two games, (s)he iseliminated from further play and must wait at least three completedepisodes before trying to qualify again (see below for the definitionof an episode). Anytime a player's earnings reach or exceedCY$1,000,000, (s)he automatically retires and must wait at least fourcompleted episodes before trying to qualify again.
Shouldthe sixth round end in a tie, the catch-up round is canceled and atie-breaker question is played. Should both players ended uptied after the catch-up round's completion, a tie-breaker question isplayed. The tie-breaker question played as if it were a regulartoss-up question. The player who wins the question wins the game and an extra CY$50;the runner-up will be assessed a loss.
BONUS BONANZA: Thewinner of the main game starts the bonus bonanza with at least one goldcoin. The total amount of gold coins awarded is based on theplayer's winning streak (one coin for just one win, two coins for twostraight wins, etc.).
After the coins are awarded, theplayer takes a free roll of the dice (by picking a number from 1-100).This time, the value of the roll is multiplied by CY$250 and added tothe pot.
As in the main game, the player may stop and keep thecyber-money -- or try to build the pot with at least one more roll ofthe dice (going to the next roll down on the list). Outside ofthe free roll, the stakes increase further -- but so do the dangers.
Afterthe free roll, if the dice total 5, 7 or 9, the player will bust. If the player has a gold coin, (s)he must surrender one coin androll again. If the player busts and has no coin in his/herpossession, the bonus game ends and (s)he wins nothing.
![Dice Dice](
Rules For Hot Dice
Anysuccessful roll add its value multiplied by CY$500 to the pot (meaninga roll of 6 and 5 for 11 is worth an additional CY$5500 to the pot).Should the player roll a double, (s)he has the option ofhaving CY$500 times the dice total added to the pot -- or take whateveris behind the corresponding double on the double decision board.
Duringthe bonus bonanza, the double decision board will always hide threeamounts worth anywhere between CY$20,000 and CY$50,000 (until it's found, one of thethree amounts will always be CY$50,000). The other three spaceson the double decision board will hide busts, which will result ineither the loss of a coin or the loss of everything in the bonus game(as if the player rolled a 5, 7 or 9).
Ifthe player rolls a double, goes to the double decision board andfinds the CY$50,000 amount, CY$50,000 is added to the pot. Then, the board is shuffled and CY$50,000 will be replaced with'double pot'. Should the player wish to play further, rollanother double, go to the double decision board and find 'double pot',everything in the pot is doubled.
Thebonus bonanza ends when the player busts and has no gold coins -- or if(s)he elects to stop the bonus bonanza by banking the cyber-money. Upon the completion of the bonus game, the player must surrenderany unused coins -- as they do not carry over to any future visits tothe bonus bonanza.
MEGA ROLL: Once a player has won four consecutive games, (s)he plays the mega roll instead of the bonus bonanza.
Towin any cyber-money at all in the mega roll, (s)he must roll a double. If the player rolls a double, (s)he may bank CY$2500 times thedice total -- or take whatever is behind the corresponding space on thedouble decision board.
Hot Dice Game Rules
The word 'million' hides behind one spaceon the double decision board; the remaining five spaces hide busts. If the player declines CY$2500 per point and the roll leads to'million', (s)he wins CY$1,000,000. Otherwise, it's a bust and(s)he wins nothing.
Regardless of what happens in the mega roll,the player's winning streak is reset to zero -- meanning (s)he must win four moregames consecutively to play for CY$1,000,000.
EPISODE: Anepisode of Hot Dice is defined as two main games and two bonus games(either two bonus bonanzas or one bonanza plus a mega roll). Timepermitting, we'll play at least one audience game within one episode. Qualifying rules will be explained at the start of the audiencegame; the game's rules will be explained to the player who wins thequalifying round of the audience game. During audience gamequalifying, we respectfully ask a main game player to refrain fromattempting to qualify in an effort to spread the virtual wealth.
![Called Called](
MISC. RULES AND CLARIFICATIONS: Inthe event a 5, 7, 9 or double comes up on any free roll of the maingame or bonus bonanza, there's no bust and there's no double decision. Busts and double decisions can only occur outside of a free roll.
Inthe even both players respond with 'pass' or something to that effecton a toss-up question or miss the deadline for responding, the questionis thrown out and replaced with a new one as that particular roundcontinues. Until the catch-up round, a round ends when a playerbusts or banks cyber-money.
Inthe event the player misses a deadline with regard to rolling orbanking -- or misses a deadline when confronted with a double decision-- the player automatically busts.
Should a player miss adeadline to respond to a toss-up question and the opponent buzz in with a wrong answer, the player whowon the question will default to the first dice roll in thelist.
Inthe event of excessive absences by the player, the host reserves theright to end the game early and award the more active player thevictory regardless of score.
In the event there's a tie forcloser to the actual buzzer number, the player who e-mailed the hostfirst takes the tie-break edge and 'buzzes in first'.
Inthe event we reach the end of the list of dice rolls (...98th, 99th,100th) and the player wishes to keep rolling, we'll resume at the firstroll in the list and continue from there.
I know this was long -- but once we play, it'll all make sense. For further details, e-mail me at the address below...
- Appendices
- Craps Analysis
- Miscellaneous
On This Page
Hard Rockin' Dice is a set of three side bets, similar to the Small, Tall, and All bets, which win if a group of numbers are rolled before a total of seven. The side bet debuted at the Jack casino in Cincinnati in March 2019, which called it the 'Hot Hand.' When that casino changed hands to become the Hard Rock Cincinnati, the name of the side bet changed to Hard Rockin' Dice.
- The Flaming Four bet pays 70 to 1 if the shooter rolls a total of 2, 3, 11, and 12 before a total of seven.
- The Sizzling Six bet pays 12 to 1 if the shooter rolls a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 before a total of seven.
- The object of the Hot Hand bet is to roll a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 before a total of seven. If this is accomplished, then winning bets shall pay 80 to 1. If 9 out of 10 of these totals are achieved before a seven, then winning bets shall pay 20 to 1.
If that was not clear, please see the official rule card.
The following table shows my analysis of the Flaming Four bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 18.55%.
Flaming Four
Event | Pays | Probability | Return |
Win | 70 | 0.011472 | 0.803030 |
Lose | -1 | 0.988528 | -0.988528 |
Total | 1.000000 | -0.185498 |
The following table shows my analysis of the Sizzling Six bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 19.18%.
Sizzling Six
Event | Pays | Probability | Return |
Win | 12 | 0.062168 | 0.746022 |
Lose | -1 | 0.937832 | -0.937832 |
Total | 1.000000 | -0.191810 |
The following table shows my analysis of the Hot Hand bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 18.02%.
Hot Hand
![Dice Dice](
Event | Pays | Probability | Return |
10 | 80 | 0.005258 | 0.420616 |
9 | 20 | 0.018758 | 0.375169 |
0 to 8 | -1 | 0.975984 | -0.975984 |
Total | 1.000000 | -0.180199 |
This side bet can be, surprisingly, solved with integral calculus. To find the probability of all winning events, take the integral of 0 to infinity of the following functions:
- Totals of 2, 3, 11, and 12 rolled before a 7:
f(x) = (1-exp(-x/36))^2*(1-exp(-x/18))^2*exp(-x/6)*(1/6)
Integral = 53/4620 = apx. 0.01147186147186147 - Totals of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 rolled before a 7:
f(x) = (1-exp(-x/12))^2*(1-exp(-x/9))^2*(1-exp(-5x/36))^2*exp(-x/6)*(1/6)
Integral = 832156379 / 13385572200 = Apx: 0.06216815886286878 - Totals of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 rolled before a 7:
f(x) = (1-exp(-x/36))^2*(1-exp(-x/18))^2*(1-exp(-x/12))^2*(1-exp(-x/9))^2*(1-exp(-5x/36))^2exp(-x/6)*(1/6)
Integral = 126538525259/24067258815600 = Apx. 0.00525770409619644 - Totals of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 rolled before a 7, except missing 2 or 12:
f(x) = (1-exp(-x/36))*exp(-x/36)*(1-exp(-x/18))^2*(1-exp(-x/12))^2*(1-exp(-x/9))^2*(1-exp(-5x/36))^2exp(-x/6)*(1/6)
Integral = 137124850157/24067258815600 = apx. 0.00569756826930859 - Totals of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 rolled before a 7, except missing 3 or 11:
f(x) = (1-exp(-x/36))^2*(1-exp(-x/18))*exp(-x/18)*(1-exp(-x/12))^2*(1-exp(-x/9))^2*(1-exp(-5x/36))^2exp(-x/6)*(1/6)
Integral = 150695431/75445952400 = apx. 0.001997395833788958 - Totals of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 rolled before a 7, except missing 4 or 10:
f(x) = (1-exp(-x/36))^2*(1-exp(-x/18))^2*(1-exp(-x/12))*exp(-x/12)*(1-exp(-x/9))^2*(1-exp(-5x/36))^2exp(-x/6)*(1/6)
Integral = 1175248309/1266697832400 = apx. 0.000927804784171193 - Totals of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 rolled before a 7, except missing 5 or 9:
f(x) = (1-exp(-x/36))^2*(1-exp(-x/18))^2*(1-exp(-x/12))^2*(1-exp(-x/9))*exp(-x/9)*(1-exp(-5x/36))^2exp(-x/6)*(1/6)
Integral = 35278/72747675 = apx. 0.0004849364601686583 - Totals of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 rolled before a 7, except missing 6 or 8:
f(x) = f(x) = (1-exp(-x/36))^2*(1-exp(-x/18))^2*(1-exp(-x/12))^2*(1-exp(-x/9))^2*(1-exp(-5x/36))*exp(-5x/36)*exp(-x/6)*(1/6)
Integral = 6534704369/24067258815600 = apx. 0.0002715184317029205
Written by:Michael Shackleford