Homemade Good Luck Charms

  1. Easy Homemade Good Luck Charms
  2. Homemade Good Luck Charms Ideas

In feng shui, oranges are considered to have abundant yang energy. Omamori good luck charms are small rectangular bags that are typically made of brocade or kimono fabric. These charms are usually 1 to 2 inches high and are held closed by a knotted cord. The charms can be purchased at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples.

  1. The best stories are those spent with family and friends. Find fun and magical Disney activities that you'll remember forever—from family game nights to party ideas to movie nights.
  2. Decide what to use as the 'physical base'. It can be a piece of jewelry that you plan on wearing for good luck, a rabbit's foot, a four leaf clover that you will carry around, a gemstone, etc. Pieces of meteorites work wonders considering that you would be carrying something that really is 'from another world'.

About Make Me Lucky

Welcome to Make Me Lucky the the luckiest place on the Internet, where you can find good fortune, prosperity, triumph and success at the touch or a button!

Where previously you may have had to stay up all night to get lucky, now results can be achieved instantly!

You may wonder whether simply pressing a button can really make you lucky, but we guarantee that it works at least as well as any other good luck charm and we are quite sure that the more people who press the Make Me Lucky button, the more lucky things will happen to people who've pressed it! If enough people use Make Me Lucky, we will make it even better so please share the luck!

Roald Amundsen said 'Victory awaits him who has everything in order - luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck.' Having everything in order certainly helped lead him to victory in the race to be first to the South Pole, even if the decidedly more unlucky Robert Scott is better remembered now.

There is no definite answer to who the luckiest person ever was, but Frane Selak is often mentioned. The Croatian music teacher allegedly miraculously escape death seven times before going on to win the lottery. You could certainly argue that he would have been luckier if he'd just won the lottery and not had the close brushes with tragedy, but even then he may not have been as lucky as Texas lady Joan Ginther who won the lottery an amazing 4 times winning a total of over $20 million in the process.

Professor and magician Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire, who on top of all his academic accolades has appeared on The Infinite Monkey Cage and been name checked by Stephen Fry on QI, did extensive research into hundreds of people who either considered themselves very lucky or unlucky. He discovered that what people think and the way they behaved had a big effect on their fortune.

Lucky people are much better at spotting opportunities and capitalising on them than unlucky people. Professor Wiseman found everyone can improve their luck by following these four pieces of advice:

  • Always listen to your gut instincts, they are usually right.
  • Always be open to new experiences and getting out of your normal routine.
  • Try and spend some time each day remembering things that went well for you.
  • Picture yourself being lucky before an important event. Luck is very often a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Had Make Me Lucky been available when he did his research, we are pretty sure he would also have added pressing the Make Me Lucky button to his advice!

A good luck charm is a powerful and great tool to help us attract positive energy and keep away negative energy to assist in shaping our vision. The thing is, it is not that easy to approach this complex subject, due to many variables and that is the reason why you might be left be wondering, how to find a good luck charm.


Easy Homemade Good Luck Charms

  • What is a good luck charm? The different types
  • How to make your own good luck charm?
  • Let your feelings guide you

What is a good luck charm? The different types

Homemade Good Luck Charms Ideas

When we talk about lucky charms in general, we often have doubts about which to choose, how to use it, and how to treat it.

In a nutshell, if for luck we draw to use a Solomonic talisman, in reality, it is very delicate item as it must never be touched by any other people (including family members), you must also avoid dropping it on the ground and getting it wet, these three factors can potentially desecrate the talisman, making it worthless.

Solomonic Talismans are immensely powerful and effective, but, as I have already explained, they are very delicate. If you choose a Solomonic lucky charm, the advice is to follow what we have said to the letter. The same thing applies to any mineral that someone uses as a lucky charm, which is quartz, aventurine, jade, etc.

They must be kept and carried delicately, avoiding them falling on the ground, and they are never touched by another person. The one thing disputable about the Solomonic talisman is it can come into contact with water, indeed water is very important, as you can use it in order to discharge any negative energy absorbed by the talisman, by passing it for a few minutes under running water every night before going to sleep.

Thai lucky charms instead do not fear any of this. Thai charms can be worn without any of the above concerns of them becoming powerless. Some Thai lucky charms are even equipped with transparent containers with slides, that are made from resin and therefore can break or be damaged. They will not lose their energy relating to their magickal functionality, but they will certainly not be very nice to wear as a necklace with cracks or broken slides.

Where to find a good luck charm

You can buy them online, in a souvenir store or an esoteric shop, but it really depends on what you want from it and how you want to work with that kind of energy. There is no need in buying an expensive good luck charm if you don’t feel a connection with it. Heck, you can actually just find it as well (four-leaf clover).

You can also learn more about most powerful good luck charms here.

But, on the other hand, maybe a small item like a keychain, a coin, a necklace, or a trinket that could give you very nice vibes and become the perfect good luck charm for you. The other question is, which lucky charm to choose?

I found one interesting webshop called Moonlight Mysteries, and I’m not in any way affiliated with it. You can find it here.

Before we continue

Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” spells for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

Good Luck Spell Casting

Good Luck Spell Casting brings good luck and positivity in your life. It is heavily influenced by the Celtic ancestry, to bring the ‘Luck O’ the Irish’ to you. It will improve your luck and fortune while balancing as well.

I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.

How to choose a good amulet?

Is the shape and colors of the amulet important? Yes, it is very important when choosing them. Since any amulet will be with you all the time, or at least the times when you choose to carry it with you.

Lucky charms for good luck

The ideal amulet in terms of shape is the amulet that we like, and it attracts us. In other words, the connection that we have with our amulet is very important. The emotions that its shape and color awaken in us will generate different feelings in us and it is desirable that these feelings of apprehension, rejection, acceptance, or joy should be considered.

There is no shape or color that is better than another and sometimes an amulet that is considered somewhat crude or ugly to one’s aesthetic idea, but if it is made with the old art it may work.

Sometimes a certain rejection can be generated by some amulets that serve us, despite the emotion that produces in us. This is the case of the famous rabbit’s foot, which can arouse rejection or disgust in some people, but it will still work.

When choosing the shape and color of an amulet, it should also be considered if this amulet is going to be shown in public and what perception people may have of it. This is often an afterthought. When choosing an amulet, knowing if it should be shown or not, so your attraction to the amulet is not reduced to our taste in fashion, so we must contemplate other amulets.

Amulets that actually work

There are some amulets that have proven effective over time, it is the case of the clover figure that works to ward off bad luck, the amulet called ‘of happiness’ made by Nostradamus is an amulet and talisman that works, also the famous rabbit’s foot, it has a proven performance of good luck.

Homemade Good Luck Charms

There are Chinese amulets that have proven their effectiveness, as is the case of Chinese coins that are used in Feng Shui. We should also mention the Saint Benedict medal which is an amulet to scare away evil spirits.

There are also amulet shapes that have worked over time, such as the red, closed hand that scares away bad luck, the keys that allow all doors to open, and eye and heart shapes that have proven to work.

You should also know that the way the amulet was created is especially important. If it was created by a person with power, the amulet may be immensely powerful.

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How to make your own good luck charm?

Things you need:

  • Choose an object that you consider to be lucky or you can use a traditional lucky item such as a horseshoe or an elephant
  • Water with salt in it
  • A white cloth scarf or handkerchief


Take the object that you have chosen to be your charm and place it in the salted water to soak. It should be noted that you should put this in the sunlight, to add more energy.

After 2 days, remove the item from the water and place it on top of the white cloth scarf/handkerchief for 7 days.

After the 7 days, it is the moment in which you must observe your charm and ask the energies of good to grant the object the force and power so that our amulet will be effective and it can guide us.

After having carried out the processes, the amulet is ready for consecration.


The consecration of a good luck charm can be done, except for amulets that a white witch or wizard makes especially for us. As for all other talismans, amulets, or objects that we use for various personal reasons, we can magnetize them. To do so, we need to proceed as follows.

When we buy a charm we must, put it in saltwater for 2 days, but if due to its material the amulet cannot be put in water, we must put the amulet in sunlight for 7 days. After this, whether it was in the water or in the sun, we must proceed to smoke the element, we know the best energy cleansers are incense, myrrh and sandalwood, either mixed together or use each one separately.

Learn more about the consecration process of talismans and amulets here.

After the cleaning is done, we will proceed to magnetize the luck charm.

This is done by writing on a piece of paper, the function that the amulet will serve. We then place our hands on the object and repeat aloud the slogan that we wrote down on the paper a minimum of seven times. You can also light a candle that represents the color of the purpose that the candle is intended to be used for. Look for my article that talks about the meaning of colors in candles, so you know which candle to light.

The magnetization of amulets and talismans is done by applying energy to the item by placing your hands on the object while saying the words for the purpose of that talisman or amulet. One must always thank the universal order and if one is a believer, make a prayer both at the beginning and at the end of the magnetization.

Of course, this is a basic way of magnetizing an amulet or talisman. However, this basic form when used together with the cleaning carried out previously, it will ensure that the charm works better and that you do not have discomfort or surprises when using them.

Let your feelings guide you

I highly recommend you let your feelings guide you when choosing a good luck charm for yourself. I often use items I already have, ideally something that made me feel safe, at ease, or something that gave me instant positive vibes when I first saw it.

So, it doesn’t matter if it’s not fancy, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t look mystical or mysterious.

Just go for it if you sense it is something you would love to rely on and if it’s something that feels special to you.

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