Chinese Baccarat Strategy

Chinese Baccarat Strategy. Baccarat System. Free Baccarat Strategy. Baccarat Betting System. Baccarat Systems. Baccarat Strategy. How to Win Baccarat For Sure. Winning Baccarat System. Best Baccarat System. Golden Eagle Baccarat Strategy. Silver Tiger Baccarat Strategy. Baccarat Strategy. Baccarat Strategies. Baccarat is known as the casino game with the lowest house edge, however, the Tie bet can definitely tarnish its reputation. The Banker is recommended for its low edge of 1.06%, the Player is also a good option with a house edge of 1.26% and then there’s the Tie bet – standing at the staggering 14.4% house edge, defying logic and critical thinking. Baccarat players recognize the Golden Eagle as one of the best Chinese baccarat strategies available. This unique strategy involves rotating bets between both Player and Bank depending on the outcome of the previous few hands. This Baccarat Strategy works consistently, because of the patterns and streaks that occur during the game of Baccarat.

  1. How To Beat Baccarat Strategy
  2. Best Strategy For Baccarat
  3. Chinese Baccarat Strategy Game
  4. Golden Eagle Baccarat Strategy Pdf

I've always been quite curious about the superstitious Chinese people when it comes to baccarat. I've noticed that unlike most Americans, who knows they are losing and playing for fun, these Chinese people actually think they can beat baccarat. I've previously admitted I can not relate to people who play -EV games for fun. But much more so I can not relate to people who play a VERIFIED -EV game thinking they can beat it. What's even more intriguing is it's not even about a specific personality that is this way, it's an entire nationality!
Previously, to attempt to satisfy my curiosity, I sat down and watched some Chinese play baccarat at my local casino. Decided to talk to them. Started with small talk and chit chat. And then I tried to probe the conversation in the direction of why they think they can win this. They didn't have trouble explaining the procedure like 'I'm going to bet banker now because the previous 3 were banker' but when it comes to method, they had extreme difficulty explaining it to me. One of them eventually said, I just don't think it can be done in English, you have to know Chinese. The others agreed.
A few weeks has passed since then. I suddenly came across the idea to use search engines and google translate to find out what they are saying. I used the Chinese google 'Baidu' to search for baccarat. Then I tried to find anything that looks like a 'guide to win baccarat' and use google translate to translate the page.
I did that on 3 sites and I'll share the best (most legible) one here, as the other 2 I couldn't understand anything that is translated. At least in this one the first part is somewhat legible.
The strategy part of this article makes no sense, so I decided to ask my Chinese friend (who knows nothing about gambling) to help me interpret it. He told me that the author decided to write in ancient Chinese in the bottom half of the article. He said that Chinese people do this a lot to flaunt their literacy and it pisses him off because it's hard to read for everyone else. He told me 'village' means banker and 'idle' means player and I still couldn't understand anything from it. Oh well, at least the first part of what to do before playing is kinda legible. I asked him what all the big deal about 'gold, fire, wood, etc' is and he said that's the Chinese Feng Shui (superstitious system). I've always heard that term but now I see it in action.
I tried not to laugh while reading it. But I just couldn't. After half way through the laughter disappeared and was more like 'wtf'. By the end of it was more like 'wow...'

Macau casino winnings Raiders
First, the pre-war preparations:
1, to avoid near Macau gambling before sex, and women do best not to bet that before the 1-2 days, so as not to vent infuriating.
2, do not go and his own character clash casinos, such as the wood is not going to hit hi there pitched casinos, such as Golden Sands, Golden Dragon. Hi fire is not going to hit the water in the casino, such as Venice and so on. Kim is with God or God's joy can go to the Lisboa Casino Lisboa Casino feng shui because the pattern is wood, gold can be wood, must be harvested. Five grams: metal, wood, wood overcomes earth, earth grams of water, water, fire, fire grams of gold. Five elements: gold water, wood fire, aquatic wood, fire, earth, earth gold
3, according to their own decision to go one direction Five casinos, such as the five elements of fire hi going to the south of the casino, like water, went to the north of the casino, like gold went west casino, like wood go east of the casino, go to the middle of the hi soil casino. Best to calculate their spirit of joy and with God.
4, enter the casino time: a gold in the 15:00 to 7:00 this time to (gold most popular), to a wood (wood most popular), is to be in the water 3:00 to 7:00 this time at 21:00 to 1:00 this time (the most popular water), is a fire in the morning to 9:00 to 13:00 during this time (the fire most popular), to the territory of 1:00 to 3:00, 7:00 -9 points, 13:00 to 3:00, 19:00 to 9:00 this time (soil most popular). Over time win or lose should go.
5, into the casino to bring some fiscal reminder items such as brave, three-legged toad, topaz and other reminders of fiscal items, into the gate to read some of the spell. As Compassion, heart and so on. Not read by mobile phones can also play to the casinos do not have to read it. Do not go into the main entrance of the casino, casinos in Macau is very powerful feng shui office, before entering the casino to draw four vertical and five horizontal character, to the East first breath, then dry with his left palm to write a word, write with his right hand to prove safety, do not open the left Do not look back.
6, the best first before going to the temple to burn incense in Macau, add some sesame oil money.
7, into the casino's position: to use the art of Qi Men Dun Jia calculated. Miracle Fighters Only eight doors opened, Hugh, was born three guitar door, means the direction of the so-called Kat Kat door to door that day. As Kat doors in the West, we must first travel to the West more than 15 minutes before transfer to the destination, if the destination already in the West, you can go directly to the time to go out.
8, clothing: Five hi fire wear red clothes, hi five elements of water wear white clothes, the five elements Xijin of wear yellow clothes, hi five elements earth wear gray clothes, hi five elements of wood wear green clothes.
9, before going to Macau, first with the I Ching math, count to go well Gua, Gua on a whim a bad day to go, as calculated dry, Thailand, benefits and other good Gua went, as calculated by the loss, Mingyi , insanity, is not a bad economy, such as the date of Gua on a whim.
10, must bring enough enough money to Macau, said this ostentatious.
11, before gambling can not shower, wash your hair, shave, go to the casino toilet look easy.

How To Beat Baccarat Strategy

I don't know what to say, except wow... I do think I understand these people better now after reading the 'pre-war preparations' So I may not understand the gibberish of the actual baccarat strategy section, but I now see what superstitious is. Why have I not read any superstitious Chinese writings translated into English before? Perhaps the Asian guy at my casino was right, it can not be said in English. Or perhaps the English editors and translators minimize and remove the superstitious words that they don't think Americans can understand. Fortunately I don't need to know anymore, this time I've seen it with my own eyes.
Here's the actual article Chinese Baccarat Strategy

Best Strategy For Baccarat

Chinese Baccarat Strategy Game

Golden Eagle Baccarat Strategy Pdf

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